Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hands Up!!

And there appeared an Angel unto Him from Heaven, strengthening Him - Luke 22:43

  The Place of Surrender

We all at some point have felt the weight and loneliness of the stress of this life, the physical, mental, and spiritual attacks that can take us to our own personal Gethsemane. "This is a place of surrender". A place where you have stopped trying to work it out yourself and come to God with your hands raised, as a sign of surrender, seeking Him in deep lamentation for your situation, feeling the heaviness of what's ahead... The Bible says;"vs.40, and when He was at the place" (Gethsemane). The question resonates with me today.. Are we at the place of surrender? Are we praying about our situation? Have you stopped trying to figure it out? Is the load to heavy? Surrender it! I say...

  The Price of Surrender

The Lord's prayer life was exceptional and ours should be as well... "If it is possible let this cup pass." Nevertheless not my will, but Thine be done.  This is the price of surrender. The surrender of the stubborn will! There is no such thing as pretending like you are going to surrender... Have you ever seen a criminal that is running from the law stop his car, get out, and pretend he was going to surrender? A person that turns himself in is tired of running. Realizing that there has to be a surrendering of his will in order to make restitution (make it right). The price of surrender is the cross. We all have a cross to bear.

   The Peace of Surrender

Ask any criminal after they surrender why they did so? Most will say they were tired of running.. Even though there are still consequences there is a relief that comes with surrender. I believe that with Christ the agony was so severe (to the point of sweating drops of blood) that if the Angel had not brought extra strength He would have died as Satan no doubt was attempting to do. Read in verse 43, it shows us that Angels at times are dispatched by the Father from Heaven in order to help.  This supernatural strength made up for any lack of support from His three closest disciples (Peter, James, and John).   The people that are closest to us that know most about us even at times cannot offer what we need. .. It's as if they have fallen asleep to your situation. How do you explain a man/woman who is at the end of their rope and ready to jump ship? One day seemingly no hope in sight and the next day mustering up what could only be called a Heavenly strength. This word that we read about in Luke 22:43 "strengthened" (Greek word - enischuo; meaning to impart strength, to empower someone, to fill a person with heartiness, or to give someone a received vitality- strength). A person may have been feeling exhausted and depleted but he suddenly gets a blast of energy so robust that he is instantly recharged! Now he is ready to get up, get with it, and get going again!

Final Thoughts

  Jesus disciples and friends couldn't be depended on in His hour of need, God provided an Angel that imparted strength, empowered, and charged Jesus, renewing His vitality with the strength needed to victoriously face the most difficult hour in His life! After being supercharged, Jesus was ready to face the Cross. He awakened His disciples and said," Rise up, let us go, lo, he that betrays Me is at hand"(Mark 14:42). In other words; I'm ready to face my biggest fear...I surrender..

This is my prayer.


Rev. Tim

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Encouragement for Today

But exhort one another daily, while it is called today.; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. - Hebrews 3:13

As a Christian you should want to fulfill God's plan for your life, pulling from this passage today there's one thing you must do. Don't forsake the daily fellowship and encouragement of other believers. Hebrews 3:13 tells us we need to".. Exhort one another daily.." but what does it mean to "exhort"?

The word for "exhort"that is used in this verse comes from the Greek word Parakaleo. (strongs#3870) it is a compound of the words para and kaleo. The word para means along side, and the word kaleo means to call,to invite, to speak, or to beckon. When you put these words together into one it gives the picture of someone who is coming along side of another person to speak to him, comfort him, strengthen him and to instruct or teach him.

This word is also translated encouragement. How many of you have needed encouragement over the past month or week? I know I have and many of you as well. The Holy Spirit will be our "comforter". See John 14:16.. But oh how nice it is to see it manifest in the human flesh form. We need each other.

The verse is making it clear cut that we as believers need to give and receive encouragement daily. I believe Satan is doing his very best right now looking to heap discouragement on the believer and ultimately looking for the white flag of surrender to go up, knowing that he has but a short time. It will not be enough in these last days to just encourage one another once a week. We are to make it a lifestyle...let it become a daily practice.

Have you ever had someone just out of the blue say."I want to take you to lunch.." or call you on the phone to see how you are doing, or even drop a letter in the mail. It is especially great when you are going through challenging times.! Such as today..

Somebody is saying right now, " I need to be encouraged!" but how can I do the thing I so desperately need myself, try taking your eyes off yourself for a moment and look around and see all in need of strength. I can assure you allowing yourself to be used by God to encourage others will also encourage you. (It is more blessed to give then to receive-Acts20:35).

We all need encouragement from brothers and sisters in the Lord... One might say I'm not that kind of person, that doesn't fit my style. We all have a duty to this area! That's what the body of Christ is all about!

When you are feeling down and out and ready to quit, you need the fellowship with the people of God more then ever. When Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray the night before His crucifixion He asked Peter, James and John to come pray with Him... Jesus so desperately needed their fellowship and strength that night knowing that the cross was on the horizon. Jesus understood the principle of encouragement and the coming along side or He wouldn't have requested it. Recognize your need for others-and acknowledge that others need you as well, "while it is called today."

Finally "lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness( Greek 'apate'- a false impression made to deceive or cheat, trickey)of sin. In other words avoid the precept and you will now be tricked into believing a lie. We all know with the devil there are no shortage of lies! Oh how sin does deceive us by making false promises of happiness and of safety.